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Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Facts and Care
July 28, 2016
Zika Virus
September 1, 2016

Parkinson’s Disease

senior with parkinson's diseaseDopamine is one of the chemicals produced by the brain that linked to your thought processes, your emotions, and your body’s movement. If the brain is having problems producing this chemical, then it could be a sign of this incurable sickness called Parkinson’s Disease.

Everyone can be at risk for this disease. In fact, even some famous celebrities weren’t spared with Parkinson’s such as Muhammad Ali (boxer), Michael J. Fox (actor), Linda Ronstadt (singer). It is a slow, progressive disease that primarily hampers mobility and speech. Persons experiencing it usually tremble, have problems saying even the simplest words, and have some parts of their bodies’ muscles stiffen.

Here are other possible indicators of Parkinson’s:
– Problems with keeping balanced and with maintaining the right posture.
– Difficulty swallowing, facial muscles stop moving or stiffens
– Body movement slows down

It may come to a surprise that some of the following conditions below may also be a precursor to Parkinson’s disease.
– Constipation
– Sleep problems
– Depression

Although the symptoms remain unclear, Parkinson’s may start to manifest between the ages of 50 and 60. In its early stages, Parkinson’s disease shows on one part of the body as tremors that seldom occurs. In time, this tremor may then spread to other parts of the body rendering it weak and painful.

Once the disease worsens, the person that has it would have a very difficult time moving and getting to concentrate on certain tasks. Persons who already have advanced stages of Parkinson’s are immobilized by the disease. They may need help walking, could be confined to a wheelchair or even bedridden.

Some people who have Parkinson’s may also have to deal with other diseases as one-third of Parkinson’s patients may develop Dementia.


Related post: Parkinson’s Facts



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