Our Team
The Executive Team

Belina Calderon-Nernberg

Kevin Tagarao
VP of Operations

Randolph Neil Clarito
Director of Business and Franchise Development
Belina Calderon-Nernberg, CEO
Belina Calderon-Nernberg is an accomplished self-starter with over 25 years’ business experience in HR Recruitment and Senior Healthcare Services combined. As the founder and CEO of a number of successful companies, one of which is 1Heart Caregiver Services, she provides the vision, leadership and direction that her companies need to achieve its goals. Belina’s principle-centered leadership and ability to utilize corporate talents paved the way for the company to successfully achieve revenue, profit and business growth objectives over the years– an accomplishment that has equipped 1Heart Caregiver Services with the expertise and proven system to expand its business operations on a national level. Commencing in 2015, within a short period of time, 1Heart has rapidly expanded from a single office in Los Angeles to multiple locations in California and neighboring states.
Belina holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and is the recipient of numerous Awards related to Financial, Business and Social Services.
In 2013, she was an Image Awards honoree; recognized as an ‘Ambassador of Goodwill’ in 2014 by Historic Filipinotown (HIFI) Neighborhood Council. This recognition is given to selected Filipino-Americans who are persons with integrity that have the ability to promote, reach out, influence, mobilize public interest in and support to the ideals, values, principles, programs and goals of the Historic Filipinotown and other reputable organization with the same advocacy. In 2015 and 2016, she was also the recipient of the TOP LA (The Outstanding Pilipinos in Los Angeles) and Women of Worth Awards, both for outstanding achievements in Leadership and Business acumen.
Kevin Tagarao, VP of Operations
Kevin Tagarao is the Vice President of Operations of 1Heart Caregiver Services. He is responsible for the franchise support and development of the 1Heart Franchise Network and Corporate owned locations. With the vision of evolving 1Heart Caregiver Services into a premier national home care provider, Kevin has made it his focus to enhance company services and streamline corporate procedures. To improve efficiency, he has consolidated 1Heart’s core systems by facilitating the integration of new technologies. His implementation of various corporate strategies has helped improve the efficiency and effectiveness of 1Heart’s system of operations to better serve families in need of home care.
Prior to his role as Vice President, Kevin spent several years as 1Heart’s Digital Marketing Manager. His responsibilities included establishing an online web presence by spearheading the creation of 1HeartCares.com and building the foundation for various social media campaigns. Kevin graduated from the California State University of La Jolla, College of Business and Economics with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management.
Randolph Clarito, Director of Business and Franchise Development
Randolph Neil Clarito is the Director of Business and Franchise Development of 1Heart Caregiver Services. He is responsible for the implementation of corporate strategy to achieve the company’s desired business revenue and provides management oversight for the integrated programs within the company.
Randolph has been selected as an Honored Member of the National Association of Distinguished Professionals USA. Randolph is equipped with 34 years of corporate experience, including top 500 Fortune company, holding top executive positions as Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice–President, Senior Vice-President, General Manager, Trainer and Faculty Speaker as well as 8 years experience as a Master Franchisor trained in St. Louis, Missouri USA, Taipei Taiwan and other parts of USA and Asia. Randolph just received the TOP LA Award ‘The Outstanding Pilipinos in Los Angeles’ award for ‘Leadership Excellence’ given October 2016.
To provide high quality in-home care through a client-centered and service oriented approach 1Heart, 1Smile, 1Family at a time.

Franchise Support Team

Client Care Management Support

HR Management Staffing Support

Offline Marketing Support

Website and Publication Support