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Experts Corner

March 9, 2020
Caregiver Hacienda Heights CA - Knowledge is Power When It Comes to Your Mom's Prescription Medications

Knowledge is Power When It Comes to Your Mom’s Prescription Medications

Caregiver Hacienda Heights CA-Knowledge is power when it comes to medications. These are the questions you should be asking.
March 2, 2020
Home Care Services Rancho Palos Verdes CA - Take a Walk - It's Good For Your Mind and Body

Take a Walk – It’s Good For Your Mind and Body

Home Care Services Rancho Palos Verdes CA-Recommendations are that people enjoy 30 minutes of activity every day. Walking is one of the best ways to do this. Here are the benefits of walking.
February 24, 2020
Home Health Care Seal Beach CA - What Can Be Done to Prevent Falls?

What Can Be Done to Prevent Falls?

Home Health Care Seal Beach CA-Family caregivers and home health care providers must also take steps to prevent future falls. Some of the things that can be done to keep your parent from falling at home are listed here.
February 17, 2020
Elder Care Huntington Beach CA - Teens Bond With the Elderly Better Than You May Realize

Teens Bond With the Elderly Better Than You May Realize

Elder Care Huntington Beach CA-Many teens and older adults find ways to bond that would surprise you. Here are some stories of how teens and seniors have formed lasting bonds.
February 10, 2020
Home Care Services Hacienda Heights CA - What Do Kidney Issues Look Like?

What Do Kidney Issues Look Like?

Home Care Services Hacienda Heights CA-Many of the problems your senior may start to have with her kidneys are minor, but need quick intervention from her doctor to stay minor. Here are some issues to watch out for.
February 3, 2020
Homecare Whittier CA - Tips for Organizing Your Elderly Loved One’s Schedule

Tips for Organizing Your Elderly Loved One’s Schedule

Homecare Whittier CA-An organized schedule can help to keep your loved one less agitated, happier, calmer, and more balanced in their mood throughout the day. Here are some tips.
January 27, 2020
Elderly Care Pasadena CA - Why Isn’t Your Elderly Loved One Moving Around More?

Why Isn’t Your Elderly Loved One Moving Around More?

Elderly Care Pasadena CA-Here are some of the reasons why your elderly loved one might not be moving around as much as they should be. If you notice that your elderly loved one is sitting down or lying down more than usual, now is the time to talk to them.
January 20, 2020
Caregiver West Hills CA - Innovative Ways in Some States Are Making Aging at Home Easier

Innovative Ways in Some States Are Making Aging at Home Easier

Caregiver West Hills CA-To aid with the desire to age at home, some states are coming up with innovative ways to assist older adults with the goal to age at home.