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Home » Why Your Parent Should Try Sweet Potato Toast
As a family caregiver to an elderly parent, it may be your job to ensure your parent is eating a healthy diet. You might be the one who plans weekly meals and snacks—a job that can get tedious. Coming up with new ideas that your parent will enjoy and that will meet nutritional needs can be tough.
If you spend any time on social media sites like Pinterest, you may have seen one of the latest trends in health food – sweet potato toast. Sweet potato toast could be a great addition to your elderly parent’s weekly menu, and not just because it’s trendy!
Elderly Care Seal Beach CA – Why Your Parent Should Try Sweet Potato Toast
The Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are considered one of the most nutritious vegetables you can serve. One medium-sized sweet potato has 400 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A. They are also packed with fiber and potassium. Overall, they have more nutritional value and fewer calories than regular white potatoes.
Experts believe that sweet potatoes can even help with some medical conditions. Even though sweet potatoes contain more sugar than white potatoes, they are still considered a good food for diabetics. They rank fairly low on the glycemic index scale. Research suggests that they may actually help keep blood sugar levels more stable. They might also help lower blood pressure since they contain a great deal of potassium.
How to Make Sweet Potato Toast Making sweet potato toast is simple, just follow these steps:
Topping Ideas
One of the great things about sweet potato toast is that it is extremely versatile. Your elderly parent can top it with almost anything. Depending on the toppings, it could be eaten at any meal or as a snack. Here are some topping ideas:
The possibility for toppings are endless. Try putting some of your elderly parent’s favorite foods on slices of sweet potato toast and see which ones work. Or, don’t top the toast at all—sprinkle them with a little salt and just let your parent enjoy them as a sweet and nutritious snack.