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Home » 4 Things That Can Increase Blood Pressure
If your older family member has high blood pressure, you’re probably aware of several common things that can cause a rise in their blood pressure. For example, you may know that eating too much salt or being stressed can make their numbers go up. However, there are lots of lesser known things that can also cause an increase.
Homecare Hacienda Heights CA – 4 Things That Can Increase Blood Pressure
#1: Added Sugars
According to WebMD, added sugars could play an even greater role in increasing blood pressure than salt does. Eating foods with added sugars can make both the upper and lower numbers of your older family member’s blood pressure go up. Drinking a single 24-ounce sugary soda experience an average jump of 15 points in their systolic blood pressure and 9 points in diastolic.
Homecare can assist with reducing the amount of sugar older adults eat by preparing healthy meals and snacks for them. Homecare providers can also make them drinks that don’t contain a lot of sugar, such as herbal tea or infused water.
#2: Dairy Products
Many people are not aware that dairy products are a source of sodium, so they may fail to take them into account when calculating the amount of sodium in an older adult’s daily diet. However, a single cup of low-fat milk has about 100 mg of sodium. Also, some kinds of cheese are quite high in sodium. To help keep sodium consumption down, serve cheeses that contain 140 mg of sodium or less per serving.
Homecare providers can help to track the amount of sodium your aging relative eats each day by reading labels and writing down foods eaten in a daily log. They can also make adjustments to the day’s menu if the older adult is nearing their sodium limit.
#3: Loneliness
Research shows that being lonely can increase blood pressure by more than 14 points. Scientists think that it may have to do with the stress associated with fear of rejection, worries about safety, and disappointment.
Homecare can offer companionship that alleviates some of the loneliness felt by older adults who live alone. Homecare providers can not only keep them company at home, they can also take the senior on outings where they can interact with others.
#4: Low Potassium
Having enough fluids in the body requires a balance of sodium to potassium. That means that even if your aging relative is not eating a lot of sodium, they could still be raising their blood pressure by not eating enough potassium. Potassium can be found in foods like leafy greens, beans, vegetables, fish, bananas, and low-fat dairy.
Homecare providers can encourage your aging relative to eat more potassium by cooking meals that involve potassium rich foods, like a meal of baked fish, beans, and a glass of low-fat milk.