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Tips for Taking Care of the Elderly in Your Home

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Tips for Taking Care of the Elderly in Your Home

woman standing next to someone in a wheelchair

There are many reasons why you may have chosen to keep taking care of an elderly family member in their own home. Whether you promised mom you would never put her in a nursing facility or you can’t find assisted living that meets all your requirements, caring for aging family members is difficult. At 1Heart Caregiver Services, we understand exactly what you’re going through and we’re here to help. Explore some of our most important care tips when you read this article about taking care of elderly relatives.

1. Understanding the Scope of Care

elderly woman posing for a photo

Many at-home caregivers find themselves overwhelmed by the responsibilities they have assumed. To ensure you’re taking appropriate measures for your parents and relatives, you need to understand the actual scope of the care you should be providing. Write out a list of activities and tasks of daily living to keep yourself on track while taking care of elderly loved ones.


Activities of daily living are the essential basics for emotional and physical well-being. These include:

  • Mobility
  • Feeding
  • Dressing
  • Bathing
  • Toilet Hygiene
  • Personal Hygiene

Can the person in question accomplish all these things on their own? If not, they may require an at-home elderly caregiver.


Instrumental activities of daily living aren’t necessarily fundamental, but they are still important when it comes to taking care of the elderly in your home because a needy patient is unlikely to be capable of doing these things themselves. Some examples are:

  • Preparing Meals
  • Cleaning the Home
  • Shopping for Necessities
  • Managing Money
  • Paying Bills
  • Taking Medications

Take an honest look at what your family needs when taking care of elderly family members so that you can accurately find a solution for them.

2. How Much Care Can You Give?

Once you’ve assessed the level of care your family members actually need, it’s time to decide whether you can do it on your own or you need some help. There’s no shame in sharing the responsibility with siblings or children — ask them to help with specific tasks when they can.

Another option when taking care of elderly loved ones is with the help of professional caregiving services. Some seniors have conditions that are particularly difficult to deal with, like Alzheimer’s or dementia. These can make caring for them tougher, and that’s where an at-home elderly caregiver can really help. Reach out for assistance from a trusted company like 1Heart Caregiver Services.

3. Considering Living Arrangements

three elderly people shopping

The living arrangements for the elderly family members in your life are obviously important. Making sure they have access to a comprehensive support system — whether it’s from family or from professionals — is critical to taking care of elderly family members’ mental and physical health.

What living situation is best for them? That’s ultimately up to you, but If you need additional advice about taking care of the elderly in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to the knowledgeable, compassionate community at 1Heart Caregiver Services today.

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